XY Strings, so-called because it used to be run by Guildford YMCA, is supported by Guildford United Reformed Church, and particularly by the church’s Music Society, which has a special interest in promoting music-making by young people. We are very grateful to the church for the use of its premises, in which we meet on Tuesday evenings in term-time from 5.45 – 7.15.
XY is essentially a teaching group for junior string players (of all ages!) of approximate standard Grades 2 – 5, with some very welcome help from a number of more experienced players.
We present a Carol Evening at Christmas, play in local music festivals, and give Summer Concerts.
New members are always welcome - just contact Gillian on gillian.lloyd@hotmail.com.
Latest News: What a fantastic concert that was! Thank you to our enthusiastic audience for coming to listen and enjoy the evening with us. The concert was held on Saturday, 13 July, in aid of the Cheryl King Trust which helps to support young musicians with tuition fees if they are unable to take music lessons for financial reasons. On the night, we successfully raised over £300.00, but if you missed your chance to donate at the concert, please do take the time to follow the link and read about the work done by the Cheryl King Trust. Thanks also to all the people who came out to support us on the night including players and helpers for refreshments and tidying.
If you have been following our news and Facebook page, why not come to our XY Strings taster session? This will be held as part of the Guildford URC community fun day on Saturday, 31 August, from 3.30 to 3.50pm. String players of all ages, including beginners, lapsed and occasional players are welcome to bring instruments and play along (approximate level of music: Grade 2 - 5).
Our next full meeting will now be on Tuesday, 3rd September and we wish everyone a refreshing and relaxing summer!
A typical rehearsal session...
...includes time for chat and refreshments...